8th January 2021

Good afternoon everyone,

I would like to take the opportunity to wish you and your families a safe and Happy New Year for 2021.


Certainly education has been very much dominating news coverage this past week with the ongoing challenge of Covid 19 facing our country. Indeed we are very proud that several of our students have had their voices heard during the national debate about reopening our schools.

The confirmation last night that all students will commence online learning beginning next Monday morning for the next few weeks, at least gives clarity for all, you as students, your teachers and your families. 

January is a busy month for school communities for many reasons, regarding selecting subject choices, presentations on CAO and the TY programme, Mock Examinations – and be assured we will be keeping you updated on all of these matters as time goes on.

For today I would like to focus on our return to remote learning on Monday morning:

We have been here before –  last March – and we have learned a lot about what works best in terms of our engagement with online learning:

  1. You will all be expected to follow your regular timetable from Monday to Friday. Routine will be very important
  2. Make sure you check your school email and Google Classroom regularly for work set and instructions to be followed
  3. Lessons will be a combination of set tasks, live lessons, videos….
  4. Upload your work as soon as you have completed it and submit as an assignment on Google Classroom unless your teacher has specifically requested an email.
  5. Contact your teachers through Classroom asap if you don’t understand or can’t access your work
  6. Do not contact your teachers outside of school hours
  7. Observe email/online etiquette in terms of language and tone. 
  8. Make good use of studyclix.ie for resources and live chat support which is an excellent support available to all of you in all subjects.

Let’s work together and make the very most of every learning opportunity we are given this Month.

Meanwhile, I hope you all have a good weekend.

Stay safe, stay well, stay connected.

E Deeney
