Voluntary Contributions.

Voluntary Contributions – Academic Year September 2023 to June 2024


 Dear Parents / Guardians,  


The parents in Portmarnock Community School have supported the school with Voluntary Contributions over the years.  We are deeply grateful to all those who have contributed to the school finances. 

The Board of Management and I are acutely aware of the increased financial burden on families at this time. The costs associated with our normal activities as a school have also increased and so we would be very grateful for your continued financial support if at all possible.

The grants funding from the Department  of Education covers all of our necessary running expenses as a school but we rely on income raised, especially through the Voluntary Contribution, to fund and provide other activities and services for our students.

Costs such as student insurance; buses and transport for off site activities and for sporting fixtures; wellbeing events, speakers and activities; a Studyclix licence for all students; Accelerated Reader programme for junior students; the variety shows; graduation celebrations; the school musical; senior prefects; student council; school librarian; school psychotherapist and a range of difference student supports, are all met from school funds outside of the ring fenced grants that we receive from the Department of Education.

For 2023-24, the current school year, we are again seeking Voluntary Contributions for the purposes listed above and to ensure the continuity of all of our school based supports and activities. 

Given the financial pressures facing families currently we are asking for a reduced contribution this year to the amount of €100 for one student attending or €130 per family where more than one student attends the school. These amounts are suggested but all contributions are welcome.

Payment can be made through VSWare in the normal way or by card payment at the school office. Where more than one of your children is a student, the family contribution will only appear beside one of their names.

I’d like to emphasise that the contribution is entirely voluntary. 


With thanks for your continued support of the school.


Kind Regards,

Helen Tobin



Everything points to Portmarnock community school