Sports in School.
Sports teams and activities have restarted across the school community thanks to our dedicated mentors and coaches who give up their time for their teams. A list of the sports along with mentors and training times can be found in PDF form here.
Incoming First Year Presentation Information.
The slides from the talk to incoming First year Parents from Thursday 27th January are here (Powerpoint).
Subject Choice Information for Students going into Fifth Year.
For a detailed presentation on subject choices please click here (Powerpoint). For parents at Thursday’s meeting and anyone else interested in the PLC route see Ms Coggin’s Powerpoint here (Powerpoint).
Young Scientist Winner!
Fantastic news this afternoon; congratulations to Ross O’Boyle in 4N who won both the ‘Stripe Award for best overall project in Chemical, Physical and Mathematical Sciences’ and ‘Best Overall Individual’ in the whole competition at BT Young Scientists final. Sincere thanks again to Mary O’Kane for being Ross’s mentor and inspiration!
Canteen Open from Tuesday 11th January.
We are delighted to announce that Glanmore will be providing hot meals and a variety of healthy options from Tuesday 11th January at lunchtimes. The Menu is here. The Price List is here. Payment can be by cash or card.
Spring Term Letter.
5th January 2022 Dear Parents/ Guardians, We wish you and your families a happy and healthy new year. We are very much looking forward to our students returning to school tomorrow but, in light of the high number of COVID cases at the minute and in the interests of the health and safety of our […]
Subject Choice Information for students entering Senior Cycle.
Please read these documents carefully with your son/daughter over the Christmas break prior to the Subject Choice presentation on Monday, 10 January at 7pm. Subject Choice (Word). Subject Choice 2022 POwerPoint Version
Goal Mile in PCS.
Well done to the TEACHERS and STUDENTS PCS who participated in the GOAL MILE 2021. Please show your support by donating to this terrific cause, GOAL, at the link below: community school
First Year Parents Check In.
We had a First Year Parents Evening via Zoom last week during which we informed and advised Parents and Guardians. The Powerpoint from the night is available here.
Children First Awareness Week.
Children First Awareness Week is taking place from 1st to 7th November 2021. Children First promotes the protection of children from abuse and neglect, by setting out what individuals and organisations need to do to keep children safe, and how to deal with concerns about a child’s safety or welfare. Society has a duty of […]