
Musical activities in PCS

  • Junior Choir
  • Senior Choir
  • Traditional group
  • Orchestra
  • Open Night
  • Friendship Week Concert
  • Carol Service at Christmas
  • Carol-singing at Dublin Airport
  • Holocaust Memorial Service
  • Patrick’s Day at Dublin airport
  • Variety Show
  • Sixth Year Graduation Mass

All students have the opportunity to become involved in musical activities by joining one or more of the above activities. These activities contribute richly to school life, and all students involved benefit positively from their participation in such activities.

Junior/Senior Choir

Junior and Senior Choirs each meet at lunchtime once a week under the direction of Ms. O’Driscoll, the Juniors on Monday, and the Seniors on Friday. There is currently no audition for membership of these choirs, as the aim is to be as inclusive as possible. Membership opens at the beginning of the school year for one month. Once the students involved have shown their commitment to choir, they are awarded a choir badge, which they wear for the academic year. This is a public recognition of their involvement in choir.

This year the choirs were busier than ever, performing at the Open night, the Friendship week concert, the Carol service, Dublin airport, the Variety Show, and the graduation.

Traditional Group

The traditional group meets once a week under the direction of Ms. McGlynn. Students who play any instrument, not exclusively a traditional instrument, are welcomed. Again, the emphasis is on inclusivity.

This year, the Trad group has provided the accompaniment for the choirs at Dublin Airport for St. Patrick’s Day, and also in the Variety Show. The group also accompanies the choir for the Carol service and the Graduation, which is a reflection of the strong links between the two groups.


The school orchestra meets once a week under the direction of Ms O’Driscoll. Any student who plays an orchestral instrument, at any level, is welcome to join.

Variety Show

The Variety Show is a Transition Year project that is organized by Ms. O’Driscoll’s Transition Year class. This involves postering, writing announcements, advertising, holding auditions, stage management, compering, organizing a raffle and prizes, ticket sales, and finally collecting and counting monies raised. The proceeds from the Variety Show go to charity.  This project encourages students to be involved in a variety of activities, fosters independence, responsibility, and commitment to see a project through to the end. It has proved to be a very worthwhile experience for all those involved.

6th Year Graduation

The choirs, the traditional group and the orchestra, working separately and in collaboration, provide music for the 6th year Graduation Mass.